John Dunn
John Dunn original writing
Ultimate hypostasis
Recall how Spinoza began his Ethics with definitions, starting with the ‘cause of itself’ or ‘causa sui’. Definition 3 says: ‘By Substance I mean that which is in itself and is conceived through itself; that is, that, the conception of which does not require the conception of another thing from which it has to be formed’. This ‘Substance’ is the sole order of nature. It is Spinoza’s great kabbalistic presupposition. It is Luria’s metaphor, Ein Sof. It is the ultimate hypostasis. With Spinoza, Zeus and the gods of a transcendent, external world order reappeared. And Spinoza would chain us again to a rock of external reality, which is opposed to the human thought which thinks it.
From Child of Encounter
© John Dunn.
From the archive:
This time as as a personalised narrative
The Mythology
First in the Mythology is Love: variously Logos, God, the Word, the Cosmic Jesus, living thought. John Dunn
Just a thought:
The Council of Florence 1438–1439 famously set the stage for the mighty George Gemistos Plethon. John Dunn (Renaissance: Counter-Renaissance)
The Oxford to Cambridge Arc 5
Further additions to the project, starting with the Bedford to Cambridge leg of Ogilby's 1675 Oxford to Cambridge route. John Dunn
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