John Dunn

John Dunn original writing
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Oxford to Cambridge

John Dunn original writing

Hegel on his head courtesy of Marx on Dr John Dunn.

Act of inversion

Hegel is to be credited with being the first to be fully conscious of the need of a new logic to solve the problem of experience. Marx understood this. However, Hegel’s dialectic supplemented Spinoza’s philosophy rather than superseded it, confirming Spinoza’s thinking rather than discrediting it. More important was Hegel’s break with Fichte, who rejected Spinozism. Marx clearly saw the Spinoza in Hegel. As a result, Hegel was easily turned on his head by Marx, i.e. re-Spinozised. Hegel was not Marx’s main target in this act of inversion. By upturning Hegel, Marx rebutted Fichte’s inversion of Spinoza.

From Child of Encounter

© John Dunn.

From the archive: Violator violated

Love and creativity Love and creativity
The real and only meaningful opposition is between those whose banners bear the symbols of love and creativity and those devoid of love, life and humanity who would have us return to the One, the ‘amorphous state of pre-Eros, pre-Love and pre-Being’.
John Dunn

Just a thought: The contrast presented so starkly by Shakespeare was no accident. He presented Henry VII as a new type of ruler, whose actions were based on Louis XI’s conception of a nation state - ultimately the Renaissance conception of nationhood held by Dante, Nicholas of Cusa and Plethon. John Dunn (Renaissance: Counter-Renaissance)

The Oxford to Cambridge Arc 6 The Oxford to Cambridge Arc 6
Further additions to the project, starting with Herman Moll's alternative to the Buckingham and Bedford route.
John Dunn


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